Navigate freely on the internet by using a free proxy server

It is not acceptable that nowadays navigating on the internet is not made respecting the people's privacy and that anyone who desires can find out the latest moves you made on the internet or can find out personal information like phone number, home address or even passwords and then use them against you.

Many people live in countries which do not allow certain believes and people can get executed just for visiting some web sites or just by writing a personal e-mail which contains complains regarding a government. Some countries even block some web pages in the attempt of "protecting "the citizens against the information those web sites contain.

For protecting our privacy when navigating on the internet, proxy servers have been invented. They are buffers between your computer and the Internet resources you are accessing. There are several types of proxies. There are the: HTTP proxy, the SOCKS proxy, the CGY proxy (the anonymizer), and the FTP proxy. Each type is designed to solve its specific tasks, however they have much in common, and their abilities coincide in many features.Many people have found out that they can protect themselves and their computer by surfing anonymously.

The anonymous surfing works by using an anonymous proxy server which will talk to the desired web site and then communicate the requested information to you. The free proxy sites are easy to use as they are only waiting for you to enter the address (URL) of the site you wish to go to and then they will retrieve the page for you and present it to you in a safe way. The other proxy sites which are not free need an additional program which has to be installed on your computer and they are more complicated.The free proxy site will transmit to the web page only its IP address and will not sent you address too.

In some cases if you use an anonymous proxy site you can be sure that not even the proxy site will know you IP address, so you are completely covered against any unscrupulous attack.Besides hiding you IP address, free proxy servers can also hide the country and the region you are situated in and so no one can find you while navigating on the internet.

Free proxy servers can also manage cookies. Cookies are dangerous as they can trace your activity on the internet and can give companies information about your net surfing.You can find on the internet a lot of free proxy servers and you can choose one that you thing is best for you and your computer but you must make sure that this free proxy server is an anonymous one as it can protect your IP address 100%.
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What Is An Internet Proxy; Why Use One; How Would You Use One

The term internet proxy is one of many online terms that have a techie sound to them. In some cases, such terms sound more complicated than they are. In the case of internet proxies, unfortunately, this is not the case. An internet proxy is not an easy thing to understand or implement. For the non-tech-savvy individual, a proxy might seem a bit over your head.

For intermediate to advanced internet users, however, a proxy can be a handy thing. Let's take a look at what an internet proxy is, what it can do for you, and how to go about using one.What does Proxy mean?You may already know that proxy (in general) means to substitute one thing for another, or one who speaks on behalf of another.

That meaning is not far away from the application of this word when it comes to the internet.In layman's terms, a proxy is basically a way of connecting to the internet without being traced in the process. Whether or not this is fully effective is another discussion. Can privacy ever be fully achieved when ones uses the internet? Conventional wisdom suggests not.Why Use a Proxy?When a proxy is implemented, a barrier is created between your computer or network and the website you are visiting. The implied benefits of this include increased security and privacy. The most popular internet browser, Microsoft Internet Explorer, for example, contains a proxy setting. Although many software programs may use a proxy in some form or another, there is a difference between this as opposed to your actively using a proxy for the purpose of online anonymity. Why Be Anonymous?

The reasons to attempt to be anonymous online are many and include:
* Surfing Privacy
* Security from Hackers and Online Attacks
* To remove limitations of a Public Network
* To Prevent Websites from Tracking Your BehaviorProxies Won't Protect Criminals!

Another reason some people may want to be anonymous is because they think they could get away with online internet crimes. Committing crimes always has a consequence, regardless of where it takes place. The internet is no exception. Just as there is no perfect crime in real life, there is no perfect crime online. Before you consider committing any crimes, think again.

Think about whether you want to have regrets in life, disgrace your family and friends, pay fines, spend time in jail, or worse. No matter how anonymous you think you are online, there is always a way for the authorities to get around the barriers and detect your wrongdoing. So simply don't do it in the first place!How Can I Use An Internet Proxy?Making use of an internet proxy is most easily done using a third-party company to provide the proxy for you.

Go to your favorite search engine (like Google or Yahoo) and type in "internet proxy." There may be free options but the best type is trial based software. They let you try the proxy out and see if you like what it does. Freeware usually has a catch (keep that in mind) so trial ware is better. Many routers have proxies built into them. Before you invest in a third-party proxy online, call your router manufacturer and ask if a proxy is built into your router and how to enable it.
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